Friday, March 11, 2016

Matt Jambrovic - Profit Roofing Systems - 347- 269-3804

I can’t tell you how many times I did the math—you may be shocked to find out about this:
I discovered xxxxxxxxx is using sneaky internet tactics to snag the customers searching for YOU on Google.
I’m informing you because I don’t think it’s fair they’re doing that—and I can help change this in a couple minutes, at no cost to you, if you’d like.
My name is Matt Jambrovic. I’m a seasoned internet expert. I combine unique technology and marketing skills to help roofing businesses like yours profit from cashed-up prospects who are already predetermined to buy from you on the internet.
I probably don’t have to show you the statistics—you already know almost everyone turns to Google when they’re looking to solve a problem these days. You already know how rapidly our world is changing from technology. And it can be hard to keep up with so many emerging trends, can’t it?
Now—don’t let the technology part intimidate you… I’ll take care of all that while you sit back and let the calls flow in.
In fact, we’ve carefully studied all the roofing companies in the xxxxxxxxx area and know exactly how we can help YOU gain a specific advantage over them… just by tweaking a few things on your website.
The truth is—there’s a colossal source of roofing traffic that, as of right now, isn’t being properly utilized by ANY of the roofing companies in xxxxxxxxx.
I can show you exactly how you can take advantage of this quickly, for thousands more in net profits a month.
All you have to do is reply to this email to set up a free, no obligation, 10-minute diagnostic phone call with me.
It’s a minuscule time investment on your part. And you’ll be glad you made it when you’re getting heaps of new customers left and right. Here’s the best part:
After we talk, I’ll send you a FREE video analysis summarizing exactly how xxxxxxx is stealing your clients—and how they’re not even doing a very good job at it! (If we end up working together, what I do for you will be MUCH more effective. But whether you work with me or not, the video analysis is YOURS to keep).
The information in your free video analysis alone has been valued at over a thousand dollars, and has been utilized by the most successful companies in the world, including Fortune 500 companies, to funnel in generous new streams of lifetime customers.
When you respond to this email and view your FREE personalized video analysis, you’ll get:
  • The BEST comprehensive investigation of your company’s online performance & presence you can find anywhere. I’ll cover EVERYTHING in a simple, understandable format—from your search results to your website layout—and even reveal hidden design and wording errors that could be causing valuable prospects to pass you up. I’ve found costly money-draining mistakes even on websites my clients have paid well over $10,000 for.
  • A secret the FBI uses for espionage—that YOU can use to constantly elevate your search rankings with every passing minute…leaving your competition BAFFLED by how they can never seem to beat you.
  • I’ll use the best systems available to uncover the surprising factors that SLOW DOWN your website like molasses—both on mobile and desktop. In our modern, “instant gratification” culture, the average person presses the “back” button after only 5 seconds if it’s taking too long to load—then goes on to become someone else’s customer.
  • The reason your Google ranking could be hurting you—even if you’re ranking at the top of the search results. I’ll show you the best ways to fix this—that most “internet marketing guys” won’t be able to tell you.
  • The ONE thing you NEED to have on your website if you want to gain instant loyalty and trust from your visitors—so they choose YOU over your competitors every time. (99% of roofing companies miss this, and if you know it—you’ll be the ONLY choice in the eyes of your internet prospects.)
  • All the boring, administrative, technical errors that minimize your website’s performance, lower your search results, and confuse prospects looking to buy from you. I’ll show you how you can get rid of those to make your website a well-oiled customer-magnetizing machine… It’ll be fastresponsive, and easier to rank highly in search results than ANY of your competitors.
The truth is… these types of closely-guarded search engine and website secrets—applied personally to your business by an expert—are the types of things most people will pay over $1500 to find out.
But because I don’t have any clients in xxxxxxxxx, I’m looking to secure ONE for exclusivity to the entire online roofing market in your area. That’s why I’m giving you this video analysis for FREE when you respond to my email.
And here’s what else—if you’re still reading this, I congratulate you. You’ve spent a couple minutes of your time reading my email, and you’ve learned about the indispensable free analysis I’m offering… so I can tell you’re remarkably committed to your business.
That says something significant about you—not many people are as dedicated and open to new types of cutting-edge information like this as you are. You will be rewarded for it.
It also means I’m MORE interested in helping you than the other roofing businesses, who may not care about it as much as you do… and may have let petty minutia distract them from reading this whole email.
So with that in mind, reply to this email NOW telling me:
1.That you’re interested
2. Your best number
3. Your best time for a 10 minute free, no obligation strategy session.
It’s the quickest, easiest, and lowest time (and money) investment you can make—to open up a generous stream of new business for yourself, at a cost most “slick ad salesmen” would be embarrassed to find out about.
So respond right now, while the video analysis is still available.
I sincerely look forward to hearing from you.
Matt J.
Roofing Marketing Consultant
(347) 269-3804
P.S. - Here’s some interesting data from the Social Security Administration:
Take any hundred people at the start of their working careers and follow them for forty years until they reach retirement age, and here’s what you’ll find: only 1 will be wealthy; 4 will be financially secure; 5 will continue working not because they want to but because they have to; 36 will be dead; and 54 will be dead broke—dependent on their meager Social Security checks, relatives, and friends for a minimum standard of living.
What differentiates that successful 5% from the rest? It’s usually not dedication, drive, or some kind of innate talent. It’s their ability to adapt to changing times, and take advantage of new, different opportunities when they come your way.
Most people refuse to ever go out of their comfort zones and try new things. They end up paying the price for that.
Now, I’m not sure how many free videos I’ll be giving out to people in xxxxxxxxxx who ask me for one—but I’m definitely going to put a cap on it after the first few. I’m only looking for ONE client in your area. So it’s possible that if you email me in a couple hours or days, they won’t be available anymore.
The best way to ENSURE your business GROWS throughout 2016 and beyond… is to respond to this email RIGHT NOW while it’s still in front of you.

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